Thursday, March 22, 2007


What is the one thing you thought you had gotten rid of when you signed up to be on the "Do Not Call List"?

What is the one thing you didn't get rid of when you signed up to be on the "Do Not Call List"?

That's right, telemarketers, but my mom has come up with an ingenious plan to strike 'em where it hurts. On a recent trip to Colorado I thought I was going to have a chance to share with my housemates some tips on how to get a telemarketer to hang up on you! That's right, hang up on you and not vice versa. The following are two simple scenarios, but I must say please don't take offense as it is all in good humor:

1. When you answer the phone and find out it is a telemarketer, immediately scream with joy and in an exaggerated excited voice repeat the following:

"! Congratulations!! Do you realize you are the 100th telemarketer to call me and you have just won a prize. Please hang up and immediately and dial 800~555~0000 to claim your prize. Again I want to congratulate you on this great honor and wish you the best! Now have a great day!"

Once you have finish if they haven't hung up on you, then feel free to hang up as you have said your spiel.

2. When you answer the phone and find out it is a telemarketer, immediately start breathing heavily and of course in an exaggerated voice repeat the following:

"! I am so sorry, but you have called at a bad time....awe!" Take a few breaths and continue with..."can I...take a break...take your name....and number...breath in...and call you back? I am just in the middle of...uh ahhh...well I am embarrased to say"

You should be able to make your own ending at that point.

Now if either one of these options doesn't work for you and you want to take it even a step further, then there is always this option:

How to prank a telemarketer

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