Sunday, April 29, 2007

Missed Opportunities

Regardless of whether I remember my book or not I tend to grab The Boston Metro for the ride to or from work. It is definitely a great resource and just the right length for my ride on the 'T'.

On Friday's read I came across something that I was excited to go and see because even after reading the article about it, I was still in a state of true disbelief. The only way I really would have believed it was to see it with my own eyes.

On Saturday Wentworth Institute (along with 11 other colleges over the next couple of months) will competed in a 20th annual canoe race. Okay so that doesn't sound too exciting I know, but if I were to add that the canoes were built by the Wentworth students, would that make it a bit more exciting? No, okay then here's the whole kit and caboodle. The students, with no assistance of outside help, will build and race in canoe's that are made completely of cement! Yes, you read correctly canoe's made completely of cement.

Unfortunately do to the timing of a call I was waiting for I was unable to witness this race, but boy would it have been a site to see!

To read more about the 20th annual concrete canoe race click here

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