Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I read these while perusing someone else's blog and well love them...enjoy or better yet let me know what you think too...

Please be good to me

I am going to grab you by the collar,
push my lips to your ear and whisper in my most murderous tone:
"I am not only a good girl I am the best good girl there is."
When you kiss me,
I won't even like it.
It won't matter how the blood rushes to the surface of my cheeks,
how the hair on the back of my neck stands up
how my heart beats right out of my chest.
I will limply stand there and politely push you away.
No way are you making me be bad.
Now please remove your hand from my cheek, and let's not mess up this beautiful friendship.

The emotionally intense,
the spiritually advanced,
the madly in love,
the truly insane,
the terminally foolish,
the grief-stricken,
the guilty,
the enlightened,
the people with souls of poets and hearts of children.

I think the future's broken.
I say we go back to a time when catching a glimpse of ankle was fairly orgasmic.

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